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A report on the Reality of Social Democracy in Latin America

This is an response to a Comrade who blamed only the US for Lula led disaster in Brazil:

This Social democratic government fell for the same reason that all social democratic governments fall, it drowned in the vomit of its own corruption. The US did fire them but they did so not because it feared Lula and his merry band of social democrats but because of incompetence in running a capitalist economy.

US Capitalists needed the Brazilian working class to get back to work, the party was over.

Who can forget the regard Obama had for that drunken trade union bureaucrat.

Whom OBAMA ONCE CALLED LULA "THE MOST POPULAR POLITICIAN ON EARTH". Its quite a recommendation from a whore that enjoys fatherly bear hugs and playful neck locks from billionaire Richard Branson and has received almost a billion dollars in bribes since he left office.

Lula and his party allied itself with the worst capitalist and religious scum that could be found in Brazil and SHOCKINGLY were betrayed by them!!!

Lula government was corrupt itself and it corrupted its working class followers. Instead of handing out cash to its workers it should have been handing out arms.

Naturally the capitalists are offended when they see their sheep being handed back the profit they had just stolen from them. Lula instead of nationalizing the means of production, showered his capitalist masters with corrupt contracts requiring almost nothing in return.

The development of capitalism in China paid for this party. The Chinese got all the raw materials that took their economy into competition with the US. Brazil was content to continue to sell oranges and remain a BIG THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.

When the party was over and the many years of underinvestment by a disinterested capitalist class in Brazil, the regime collapsed with hardly a whimper.

Workers got into the habit of looking for and receiving handouts from the Social Democratic government in exchange for selling their right to the higher wages that they deserved and of course their votes.

This social democratic disease is not strictly any single nation's phenomena it exists all over the World or at least it did before it collapsed again all over the World. Social democracy or what is really a liberal form of Stalinism is a petty bourgeois class phenoma.

Your racist remark about me about being a privileged North American reflects your own Stalinism. There was Stalinism all over the Lula's Workers party.

I first met these corrupted workers at the World social forum in Caracas. A more innocent lot of the most fundamental principles of working class politics could not be found, I was shocked.

However I came to join your Latin American movement thinking that it had some Socialist content. Being a Cuban American genetically and of course speaking Spanish I thought that the emigration to Caracas would be seamless.

Little could prepare me for my SEVEN years experience of living there. The Venezuelan working class was on vacation throughout the time I was there. They got paid to vote and paid to demonstrate. What work they did do was selling anything they could get they hands legally or not from the government and reselling it on the streets, turning themselves into petty bourgeois shopless shopkeepers. The most pathetic branch of the petty bourgeois.

By the way I worked for free teaching workers english, math, etc,.... AND SOLD MARXIST AND REVOLUTIONARY DVDS AND REVOLUTIONARY MUSIC CD's ON THE STREET TO make a living and pay for the extraorbitant rent that a Chavistas was charging me.

I could get neither a paying job or legal residence from these so called Socialists. I paid $20,000 of my life saving to Chavistas lawyers and was first robbed and then later sold fraudulent residence papers. When I reported this fact the to Chavistas government complaining about being defrauded. Instead of investigating the crimes they deported me.

So keep your racist indignation to yourself.

The Venezuelan working class did nothing when a few in their ranks, the exceptions, actually fought for their rights and was were murdered by the rural or urban bourgeois except to whine and nag. One that I know of, for the profits of the Mitsubishi Corporation. I guess that 10 billion Japanese loan went a long way in the political world of Chávez and the party had to be paid for.

Every single multinational remained in Venezuela draining the surplus value created by the mostly foreign class of workers who did most of the hard work, i.e. the Columbians, of which there over 5 million.

Not just Colombians, Latin Americans from all over the continent labored in harsh conditions that their lack of legal residence exposed them to. I even found Chinese female workers, (at a beauty salon), who had their passports taken from them and had to work for even less.

My former comrades told me that the economy has collapsed hundreds of thousands are fleeing the country and those that cannot escape this disaster are now working under very harsh conditions for very low pay and have discovered that many of the new bosses are newly capitalized Chavistas military officers. These Chavistas have definitely followed the Cuban model.

When I first arrived to Caracus I asked my Venezuelan comrades if revolutionaries in Columbia were being helped and or going to be helped. This was before the drug dealers that passed for a revolutionary movement leadership retired to their villas leaving their soldiers and supporters dumped on the streets. Columbia remains the most dangerous capitalist society for trade unionists on the planet. Of course I swallowed the Cuban/Stalinist koolaid about the FARC and ELN really being a revolutionary organizations at the time.

They looked at me in horror. As it would interfere with their primary occupation of drinking, whoring and being filmed in vast demonstration for that Peronist Chávez.

You should not be so proud about being Latin American. One because as an Internationalist Socialist we have no allegiance to countries or races, only to the working class. But most important because all that I have said about Venezuela and Brazil has been replicated elsewhere in the Social Democratic Latin American World.

I thought as a Cuban American that Cuba would leading from the Left by they instead led from the Right. I also discovered that the Castro brothers and their mafia like regime really did collaborate with Drug dealers like Robert Vesco and Ochoa in the drug transshipments.

I saw the corruption of the Cubans so called "Communists" first hand in Caracas. These so called "Communists" were not just apolitical but they were anticommunist. More interested in making a buck than anything else. They loved dollars by the way. They were always asking for mine.

Their cousins in Miami would have been proud I them.

If this is what you are calling moving to the Left then you are just living on such a small globe and have moved so far to the right that you think that it is the Left. Soon you will be right back politically were when you started. This is the nature of circular and delusional reasoning.

I do not blame the working class for this Latin American disaster. I put the entire blame on the cowardly and treasonous middle classes whose mastery of the verbiage of revolutionary theories have allowed them to fool and mislead the working class.

PS: Do you want me to talk about the strikebreakers in Bolivia and Ecuador, the Ecuador of Correa?

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