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What is Fascism?

I followed the standard theory of Fascism for a long time. But I think it is overly strict and leads to confusion. It creates the illusion that there good forms of dictatorship and bad ones.

I think that this difference was based on the defence of "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" . One of the worst phrase ever invented in the history of politics. It is technically correct, with respect to all other classes. However it ignores the fact that the Working class are the "majority". And a majority can never be a dictatorship. Majority rule is the very basis of Democracy.

All the naked fear mongering by American founding fathers of the tyranny of the majority misrule notwithstanding, there is no other way to have a just society.

The fetish being misleadingly being described is the effect of property on the political decisions of the propertyless. So called dangers of mob rule would not exist at all if the means of production were held collectively.

I view Fascism as simply the collapse of the legal system fetish. Which would include the Soviet Union under the rule of the Stalinists. Laws are designed to favor the interests of the ruling class in the long term at the expense of some short term concessions. Which feeds the Legality fetish.

When the ruling class no longer bother and cares to enforce its own laws I call this Fascism. I think that there are many different kinds of Fascism. That it is important to distinguish between them.

For example I believe that the US has long since shed its bourgeois democratic snake skin and is just a liberal fascist system.

PS: Even in the Soviet Union at its most propertyless phase maintain state properties as the specific privileges of its reigning petty bourgeois bureaucracy. These properties had every attribute of the purely and classical private property system. It formed the social glue that kept the regime together. We cannot ignore this form of private property.

It is from these property forms that Capitalism was reintroduced in these Stalinist regimes. The respective corruption of Ortega, Castro and Chavez mafias are legendary.

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